Monday, Jan. 13, 2003
8:15 pm

Are we having fun yet?

Wow, I'm eating dinner. Wait, hang on and let me rephrase this. I am eating dinner that I actually made at home. Okay, so it is campbells veggetable beef soup and frozen canned peaches, but it's still a dinner, right? And it's somewhat nutritious. I'm even drinking milk instead of soda! But what I really wish I could have had for dinner was gucacamole and torengos. I've been licking my lips all day and they are getting dry and chappy feeling and for somereason whenever I do that I start craving orengos. And whenever I eat peaches I want milk. And I love the peas 'n carrots in this soup. They are the best peas 'n carrots in the world.

Did anyone see Tim McGraw and my baby Elton John singing my song "Tiny Dancer" tonight on the AMA's? Let me tell you what. If Elton weren't gay, he'd totally dig me and I would totally be Mrs. Sir Elton John. Rwar! Elton rocks my socks. And these aren't any ordinary socks. They're the hanes ones with the pink toes. That's some heavy duty rocking.

I learned how to take care of my own problems today. I didn't even have to have my mommys help. I called my insurance company and my doctors and made sure we were all straight with each other. Then I made my gyno change my birth control to Ortho-tri-cyclen. And I called my prescription company and they helped me get my prescriptions filled since I never recieved my card. I was pleased. I'm a big girl now.

I think I am moving to where Gabby lives so I can work with her wherever she works and make more money than I make now and my job requirements consist of 1. having no friends (except gabby) and 2. Poking myself in the eye! That is the perfect job. I'm going to live in the bathtub at her apartment. I tell you, this is going to be the LIFE!

I was lazy and didn't go to the gym today. So I still look fat like yesterday. I did, however, lose two pounds yesterday. I am sure it was all muscle though.

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. Because I am bored and boring. Tomorrow I will look for new friends since my official friend count in the whole universe has gone to ONE: Gabby. I am pathetic.

