Monday, Jan. 20, 2003
12:18 am

Back to the Bluff...and the 6th grade

Yes, um, Hi. My name is Stephanie and I'm a big fat idiot. I've got a bad habit of hitting the control key instead of the shift key. Sometimes, when hit with the right button (or wrong button, for that matter) it will delete my whole entry. And then I turn to one pissy bitch.

My weekend in a nutshell. Sleep. Food. Sleep. Food. Super Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, Super Nintendo. Sleep. Yes, I have officially been transported back to the 6th grade, when I was a fat loser who spenther days trying to beat Super Mario world before all the boys in her class. And TAKE THAT SHIT. I've still got them mad skillz that made all the boys wish they could be me. Sans the breasts and other girly features. The last few times I've been home all I do is play SNES and this time has been the worst. It's like an obsession that I cannot cure. I brought my dads gameboy in here and I have been playing it all night too. I am determined to beat this game if it takes me all freaking night.

Hm, other than that I've done about nothing. Got into Poplar Bluff saturday afternoon. Chilled for awhile. Went to lunch with the family at my favorite resturant (Las Margaritas, fabulous mexican food) then came back home and chilled some more. becca called to tell me they were throwing her a birthday party and asked me to come.I said I would, but then blew it off for many reasons. One of the smaller ones being I was too tired. I do feel bad for not going. And I feel even worse for not calling her today to wish her a happy birthday. It's like, one of my duties to do such. I need to call her. I will do it tomorrow. And deeply aplogize for not coming to see her. I did want to go. I just...felt weird about it.

I have officially decided the Poplar Bluff Super Wal-Mart is the best Wal-Mart in the world. Hands down. You think your Wal-Mart is good, come down here. I say this because I despise the St. Louis ones. They are all so dirty and ghetto. Not even Ghetto Fabulous, they are just pure gunked out ghetto. I can't begin to explain. Just trust me.

Spent about an hour cleaning out my email folders. I'm down to only having 22% of my space used. That means I have plenty of room for emails! Whether it just be a notification of a guestbook signiture or an actual email from an actual person. *coughHINTcough*

Other than that, I'm ready to go play more Super Mario world, so I'm off to do just that!

