Friday, Jan. 31, 2003
5:44 pm


Temperature check: 101.8 it's going down! I ought to take something for this flu, but I'm not. I'm hoping I just die soon instead.

I'm waiting on Azra and the baby to get here so we can head to Alicia's for some sort of candle party. Main reason I am going? Free food.

Today was my managers last day at outr banking center. So there will be no more mentioning of crotch rank, satan, the bitch, or any other derogatory alias' I throw out. She,of course, had to throw confetti on us. I felt dirty all day long because I had little shards of aluminum in my bra all day. There was good cause for celebration, however. 1. Duh, Her last day!! and 2. Our customer satisfaction scores went up two more points bringing us to our banking centers all time high of 90%! We rock!!

Hmm, I've mentioned Im near death, I'm happy she's gone and now I shall talk about Elton. Alicia said that someone she is related to gets free concert tickets for somewhere or another and if Elton and Billy are playing at that place she will get me tickets. Tears were shed. I was so thrilled I was like "*Coughsobsobsobhacksneezesobcough* Alicia that would *coughcoughsobsobcough* rock so much!*coughcoughsneezesobcough*" I totally hope they are playing at the right place.

More later, off to eat free food and play with candles
