Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003
5:26 pm

Daredevil: The Album sweeeetness

Today I went to work. Smashed a mans hand in the drawer. Funny stuff I tell you. He called me a "fat bitch" I laughed. 'Cause, you know, Im neither fat nor am I a bitch. Anyway, he's an evil, cranky, old asshead. So, whatever. He deserved it. I wish I'da taken off a finger or two with the drawer. Damn my luck--maybe tomorrow! :D

I'm in a rather delightful mood right now. Why? I will tell you why! Because I got off work at 2:30, went to the gym for an hour and 1/2 and ran my litte heart off. Then I went to Best Buy and I bought *dum dum dummm* if you really love me you know what I bought. Yes! Today was the day! Theeee daaaayyyy! Daredevil: The Album hit stores and I nabbed the last copy! I skipped into the store expecting to see a huge, full display case. Nada. So I went to the soundtrack section. Zip. And being the mastermind I am (according to the sparks personality test) I thought "Where would i be if I were the last copy of Daredevil: The Album? And I said "I'd be hiding so I wouldn't ever leave this sanctuary we like to call Best Buy. And I found it! Right behind some other soundtrack. I don't know what it was and frankly I don't care 'cause I own Daredevil: The Album!!!!! I almost became the owner of the TATU cd, but decided to let that wait until I actually have money. See, heres the deal. I cashed in a bond so I could buy it today. *smacks hand* Baaaaaaad Steph.

Then I went to the grocery store and I bought food for dinner. I bought real fish. I'm not too sure what "whiting" is, or if that's even the kind of fish it is, but it looked yummy so I bought it and I'm about ready to go cook it and make sauteed mushrooms and peppers and maybe some green beans. And I also bought fruit! All kinds of it. I hit the sales. I spent a mere 15 dollars. Not too bad. Not too bad at all.

Other than that, Not a thang to say. Im off to go cook real food and watch that 70's show!

