Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003
9:02 pm

nothing to say again today

Too much time on my hands. Why? Because I just went and read my entire guestbook. From the very beginning to now. I think Paula would win the prize for the most signings if I had money to give a prize away with. That's my girl! She's been with me since the beginning. Don't know what'd I'd do without you baby girl. hehe Yes, that will be my speech to you Miss Paula when I win my first Academy Award. For best worst new actress in a reality show.

I took a bath earlier and let my hair air dry. The right side of my head is still pretty wet. However, the left side is very dry. The left side of my body is also on fire. Or very hot. Space heater is blowing on me.

I was pleased with American Idol tonight. Can't talk about it yet because Gab's hasn't watched the episode and can't know that Rueben did indeed make it on. (Don't read that Gabby).

This morning when i was taking my shower the electricity went off. Not good because no electricity means no light and no power. I can't blow dry my hair if I have no electricity. So I sat around in my cold, dark apartment with sopping wet hair and waiting for the power to come back. Suprisingly enough, I was only 5 minutes late.

I got my check stub today. Pretaxes I Was $2.16 shy of 1,000 dollars. Post taxes I was 244.33 shy of it. Whoo, Im so rich. Of course I will pay bills and send my mom some to put in my savings in the little town for my vacation this year. And then I will have about 250 left for me, in which I think I will actually hoard away. Because I'm sick of being broke.

I am ready for this summer to get here because I am ready for warm weather. I need to get my body ready. Must start going back to the gym. Will go pack bag now to force self to go tomorrow.

More whenever I feel like it

