Monday, Feb. 17, 2003
10:33 pm

Why is it inside out?!

Ahh, so today I got to spend the day doing whatever I pleased. For the most part I did absolutely nothing. As before mentioned I cleaned like I'd never cleaned before. My apartment, however, seems to throw back up on itself whenever I leave for awhile. I'm beginning to think it likes being a dirty, dirty apartment. Eh, I don't care one way or another.

I went to target and hit the clearance racks. I bought a pretty new bra for $4.98 and a pretty pastel green striped pointelle 3/4 shirt for $3.28. Yay! Then I bought some laundry soap for $3.50. I did well. I also went to costco because I've been so thirsty lately and like I said in another earlier entry- my water tastes like rusted mud. So I spent 6.50 on 35 bottles of water. That's like, eighteen cents a bottle. Can't beat that! Plus, I spent 1.25 on a bottle of the same exact water this afternoon. So...that would be like maybe 5 bottles? Something like that.

Ah, so anyway, I made lunch for tomorrow so I don't go out. Now, I'm sure someone who knows me well is out there thinking "Good Lord Stephanie! Clearance racks, brown bagging it, buying in bulk, what in heavens name is getting into you?!" to this I will answer: "I got my AAA insurance bill in the mail and I owe then 610 dollars" agk! This is for six months of insurance. I'm getting 600+ back from my Federal Taxes and like 40 from state. So I will use that money to pay my insurance. AND I have to save up for my next payment in September. Where I WON'T have tax money to pay for it. THEN I have a vacation in July that I want money to spend. And I know my lease is going to be up in a month and I think I want to stay in ghettoville another year, and I think my rent will go up to $420 a month. Therefore I need to start doing some MAJOR saving. So I'm cutting back. Hence my shopping urges cleared with Target clearance racks. And having about 60 thousand cans of the ever versatile tuna and cream of mushroom soup. I think I can live off of that stuff. MM.

I lost my point. Or maybe I made it...I can't remember.

I should be safe to talk about Joe Millionaire. So Gabby, If you haven't watched then please scroll past this.

Now. Okay. So I think Evan is snarky. I don't like him. He's really ugly too. Anyway, I was shocked more at the way he told Zora she was who he chose than the huge twist at the end. Because that twist? Everyone has been predicting it since day one. So you know what, it was a huge plot for ratings and by God it almost worked. EXCEPT. Most people only tuned in for the 2nd half of the show, as far as I've heard, and even more so for just the end twist. So, whatever. I only watched the 2nd part where the telling had been done. I wasn't impressed, but I still got into it and was giggling like a twelve year old.

END Joe Millionaire, begin again Gabs.

My little sister, my little 15 year old Freshman sister was asked to prom. My mother doesn't want her to go. I don't really want her to go either, but she should get to. So I'm pulling for her and trying to talk my mom into letting her go. Anyway, I just worry about her because she is exactly the opposite of me. I hope she at least picked up on my prudish ways (shut up) and will be a good girl. But yay for getting asked. And it was by Paula's friend.

Ninja and I devised a scheme to get cheaper insurance rates. Of course, He made me mad so our wedding is off. So if anyone wants to marry me so we can have cheaper insurance let me know. We will work out the details later.

Ahh, well my AIM is acting I guess I am going to go to bed now.

