Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003
10:35 pm

My weekend as a college outcast

Hellooo!!! It�s been almost three days, I guess I own an update, eh?

I spent my weekend in Springfield with Paula . It was a lot of fun! I miss hanging out with her.

Friday I got into Springfield around 9:00 and got so lost. I could not find her school to save my life. Then I couldn�t find her dorms. Anyway, once I got there, we hung out for a little then we went to her friends place where he mixed us shots of green demons? Or was it green goblins? Anyway, it was lemonade, rum, vodka, and melon crap. The first was decent. The second he had enough already made for two, so he mixed me one just by throwing crap in there. It was awful. And the 3rd was no better, it was like pure rum and vodka. Anyway, we went and walked to visit one of her other friends (the green haired guy� Daniel/Tom?) and get some food into our stomachs. There was a guy from New Zealand that took our order and I wanted to bite him because his accent was so awesome. I dropped Paula�s milkshake and it did the coolest triple flip and didn�t even spill. So awesome. After burger king we went to see another one of her friends ( Jordan, I think) and watched him and one of the guys he lives with play a video game and attempt to do 200 sit ups.

Saturday we went to the mall and Paula and her friend Jenny got their hair cut. Paula�s hair is so cute! Then we �shopped� a little. And by �shop� I mean Jenny spent money and we followed her to stores while she went on a spending spree. We then went back to Jordan�s and we were going to go to dinner with him and his dad, but they wanted to wait a few more hours and we were hungry so we went to this really old fashioned steak-n-shake instead. Paula, green haired guy, and Jenny are evil people that tried making an old lady die. After Steak-n-Shake we went back to Paula�s dorm and some other people (cannot remember names) came over and we watched about thirty minutes of Bio-Dome before they decided it was killing off their precious brain cells. So, Jenny put on the most BORING movie known to man. Or at least it bored me. Phenomenon , yuck. I don�t really like John Travolta, and that movie bored me senseless, so much I couldn�t even sleep through it because it was so hideous.

Anyway. The movie was � over when her friend, Brian (?), came to get us and take us to the Theta Chi party. (I�m awful with names so that might not be the right frat name, I don�t know�) It was fun, even if I looked bored. I was still pretty nauseated from the night before, and then I drank some more there and spent most of the night in a stupor watching people dance and trying not to throw up. There were a lot of really nice people there I talked to a few of them for a bit. I talked to the guy that offered to be our designated driver for a little bit. He was really sweet. There was this guy dancing on the coffee table and it kept dipping in the middle and I was really hoping that it was going to break in half. Then he started dancing on the couch and I swear I thought he was going to fall on me. All three hundred pounds of him falling on tiny little me. Anyway, then some guy came over after I threw up and started talking to me and it was good to have someone to talk to, until he�s all �I think I�m going to go sit on that couch, there�s room on my lap if you want to join me� and I was all �ew, um, no, I�m good over here.� Then the police came and broke the party up so we went back to Paula�s dorm and I went to the room to change and passed out on her bed for about an hour, I think, until I heard Paula say something to me and I jumped up and I was all freaking out because I had no clue where I was. Then I went back to sleep. And now, here I am. I really did have a fun time.

On my way home I was driving and there were four guys on motorcycles in front of the two cars in front of me. Well, one of the guys hit a bump or something and his bike flipped over, and he flew off the bike, and both of them went bouncing across from the left lane all the way over to the ditch on the right of the road. It was so terrifying. I was slammed on my brakes because I was scared I was going to run over him, but he was already in the grass. Thank God. Then I pulled over to the side of the road and just started hyperventilating and crying and I couldn�t stop. I looked into my mirror and he was up and walking, I don�t know how bad he was hurt, if he was even hurt. The bikers he was with all pulled over and jumped off their bikes and went running down the interstate and cars were pulled over everywhere. I was just freaking out. I stayed pulled over crying for about ten minutes before I started driving again. Seeing stuff like that scares me. That�s why when I drive by motorcyclers I always stay really far away from them. I freak out easily.

Well this was long and drawn out. Next time I will just say �Went to see Paula, got drunk, saw a crash, now I�m bored�

