Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003
6:37 pm


I was hanging clothes up and I found, in the back of my closet a jacket so I went to hang it up and as I was pushing the pockets in, my hand felt a twenty dollar bill. I said awesome! Threw some clothes on, and headed out to celebrate by getting my hair chopped off. It's really cute. If I weren't so lazy, I'd go to my car and get my camera and take a pic. I'll do that tomorrow. It's really short in the back and tapers into a bob in the front. I really like it. It makes my face look alot skinnier and it's very bouncy. AND It only cost 13 dollars at greatclips. Whoo hoo for cheap haircuts. The rest of the money (and some) was spent on a new brush and some gummy bears and a serving of coffee ice cream. yum

I decided to cook a real meal for dinner tonight. I've got a hamburger cooking on my george foreman grill (rawk) and a baked potato in the oven, and I made some italian dressing for a salad. I will drink cran-raspberry juice and have coffee ice cream for dessert. That's a huge meal. I was in the cooking mood today. I guess that is because I have food to cook. MM, it smells so delish. And, I don't feel guilty eating the burger because it was made on my G.F grill so all the fat has poured off into the handy drip tray. Whoo hoo!

I have been totally feeling Audiovent lately. I recommend the songs "The Energy" and "Sweet Frustration" as well as "Gravity" and any other ones you can find.

It's almost Simpsons time! AND OLIVER BEENE!!



BLAH! I just flipped my tv over to watch simpsons and FREAKING JURASSIC PARK IS ON! [insert really mad face and lots of kicking and screaming] *hangs head* Jurassic Park. the second one no less. One of the worst pieces of shit ever made. Oh, AND I couldn't even finish my dinner. 1/4 of the way in, I was so full I thought I was going to explode Can my night get any worse?! I will finish watching Amelie for the 2nd time to cheer myself up. Buy it for me, my birthday is soon.