Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003
9:19 pm

I want to run away....

When am I not in a bitchy mood? I realized I am a bitch. So I'm just going to say fuck the world.

I don't feel like going to bed tonight. I have too much energy. About two hours ago I was so tired I bet I could have slept for days. NOW I don't feel like it. Do you know what I feel like doing? I feel like leaving and never coming back. I got in my car and I drove. I drove with my windows down, the cool air breezing through my hair mussing it all up listening to the point play local bands and singing along to songs I've never heard in my life with catchy choruses and amazing guitar solos. I feel like running away. I don't know where I would run to. Where can one go with sixteen dollars and 1/4 tank of gas? Downtown? To live under the Arch and hold out a cup for spare change so I can get enough money to buy a bottle of water and a pretzel to last me a day?

There are times when I feel like shutting the world off. Tonight is one of those nights. I felt like I needed someone to talk to and when I got ahold of someone I didn't feel like any word that came out of my mouth made any sense at all and decided to hang up. I am a mess.

I don't even have PMS. Whats this shit about.
