Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2004
11:51 pm

The Japanese made me do it.

I have obsessivly been playing this Japanese ( I think it's Japanese...)game called Grow. I highly reccommend playing this. But don't start playing until you have a few DAYS to kill. Because this game is so awesome and seemingly impossible to beat. I know there are sites out there that tell you how to beat the game, but even when you discover them, you can't bring yourself to look at them. Why? well, my dear, dear friend Paula put it best (i'm paraphrasing here...) "...i'll be sad when it's over..." and it's true. I think I am subconsciously not letting myself win this because I don't want it to ever end. I think the Japanese are MAKING me play the game and as I sit here and let my brain fry by the computer light, they are sending me subliminal messages telling me to overthrow Bush, eat more Sushi, and send my sister back to her homeland.

In other news. Watched a few more good movies this weekend. 1. Matchstick Men and 2. It Runs in the Family and I loveloveloved them both. I also watched Undercover Brother. Oddly...ever since watching it, I've been craving fried chicken. mmm generals chicken

Yesterday was Shana's birthday21'st Birthday. That has got me excited for July to roll around. Yes, that's right. Yours Truly will be twenty one in four months and nineteen days. Unless my math is wrong. So four months and nineteen days-- give or take a few. I can't wait to go to the boats. VIDEO POKER! I actually want to try the tables. I'm going to spend the next three months practicing my poker face.

Is anyone out there suffering from LOHS? Lack of Howard Stern? Thank GOD my radio station hasn't pulled Howard off the air. I would freak out if I had to go back to listening to Mj again. I need my daily dose of anal humour. HAHA, I love Howard Stern.

Okay, I could keep talking about nothing all night. But I'll spare you. But beware, after I get some massive sleep I'll be back with more.
