Friday, May. 07, 2004
10:14 pm

Work work work....

I seriously am such a baby sometimes. Everytime I hear the song Letters from Home by John Michael Montgomery I bawl like a baby. I don't know why that song strikes such a chord with me. (I linked the video above)

Things have been going well around here. I've been a little preoccupied with work and everything I have going on around me the next few months. The end of may will be a tad hectic. Workwise I have been working 45+ hour weeks on top of being on a team thats rolling out some new "play" for the region. Next week I have two conference calls and one meeting and I'm working overtime again.

The week after that I have about four meetings in the first three days of the week, that wednesday after this long assed meeting I'm probably driving home for my brothers graduation that takes place Thursday. Then I have a wedding to go to Saturday.

THEN. The next week is my cousins wedding and I have even MORE meetings too. I'm freaking out.

I've been so stressed the last two weeks, which has made me break out like a sixteen year old. I'm scared if the stress keeps up I'm going to be answering to crater face.

Another reason I've been flipping out is, we're having a contest to see who can get the most credit card applications in two weeks. I was in the lead for the region up until yesterday. Now I'm in second....and I'm a sore loser. The prize is two box seats to the cardinals game..and we all know how much I love games. I shouldn't be stressing because the top five in each region win tickets, but I want to be secured in first. Monday I will be high pressure selling. I WILL win!