Thursday, Jul. 22, 2004
7:07 am

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to

Darn parents...making me cry first thing this morning. I remember when I was littler my dad would always wake us up on our birthdays blaring the Beatles "Birthday Song" and at 7am my phone rings for my morning wake-up call...and it's the Beatles on the other end. So naturally I cried.

Please don't let it be another birthday like last year. I cried all day long. I hate missing home and it's days like this that hurts the most. TODAY IS A HAPPY DAY THOUGH! I'm 21 and Paula is 20! Happy Birthday Pookie!

Gosh body gave me the loveliest present ever. A fat, crampy period. Ugh.

Cross your fingers I get word (GOOD WORD) on my apartment