Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2003
8:07 pm

Blah flippity booya

Yet another new picture for the layout. She's a cutie.

I am starving. Like so hungry I can't even eat because I don't want any of this crappy "food" I have in my apartment. My dinner conisted of two drinks from a meal replacement shake (From bally), one pickle, an oreo pudding cup, and about three gallons of drool from the television ads for all of the restuarants. I really want some macaroni and cheese. HOME MADE. And some cheesecake. Oooh, and taco bell. And a hot fudge sundae. Oh God and a spicy chicken sandwich from wendys. And tater tots, popcorn shrimp, crab legs, peanut butter m&m's, 5 cheese and tomato pizza, and a chocolate shake from Steak-n-Shake. Oh, and a diet coke. Have to keep my girlish figure, right?

I went to the gym this evening. I was quite proud of myself. I got home changed and headed out the door. I didn't want to go alone, but I made myself. And I did everything I wanted to as long as I wanted to. I hurt, but the pain is an awesome feeling. My ass is going to be so sore tomorrow. I focused on my legs and butt today. Tomorrow, if I WHEN I go, I am going to work more on my legs, but focus on my arms. Then the next day, I will work on my abs. Rwar, I will become a sexy woman and have all sorts of rockstars drooling for me. Yes. Rocker men will love me and all want to marry me and buy me expensive things as long as I keep my sexy body. So that is my motivation to get hot. Rocker men...rwarr!

I must buy the Breaking Benjamin cd soon. I hope my seventeen dollars I have left in Best Buy store credit. I got "Believe," Disturbeds latest cd monday, it's okay. I'm sure it isn't as good as Breaking Benjamin's album will be (or is). But it is loud rock music and I love loud stuff.

This morning my day started off like shit. I was crying by 9am. I was walkign out of my apartment at 8:30 to go to work and I had a yellow door hanger notice that said "Rent over due: You owe 461 dollars" Thing is, I paid my rent. With Paula as my witness, I paid my rent on time on Saturday. So I go to the office with my copy of the cashiers check and she says to me *smug look* "weeeee dont have your rent, so here are your options, 1. go to your bank and see if the check has cleared and if it has then we will take care of it or 2. Write a new check" ugh I don't have an extra four hundred dollars lying around because some fatass lost my rent money. Thank God I work at the bank and Joyce pulled some strings and they are letting me stop the 1st check and overnighting me a replacement. So fatass will have her rent money. And all will be well. I hope I can find a better apartment complex to move into. Mine is horrid.

I guess thats all I feel like talking about right now. More on my wonderful life at a later time.

