Saturday, Feb. 22, 2003
8:13 pm

I have nothing better to do than this...

I�m in a pretty shitty mood. I confused the hell out of myself with my telephone bill and basically until further notice I am out $68.73. Gay assed telephone company with your confusing bills.

I was starving but I have like, ten dollars in my pocket and about 50 in my checking account, so the 60 has to last me until I get paid on Friday. I really am craving fast food. Of course not just from one place. No. I want Wendy�s chili, McDonald fish sandwich, burger king whopper junior with cheese, and jack in the box curly fries washed down with a strawberry shake from steak n shake. I, taking into consideration my current state of poorness, opted for popcorn from my kitchen instead. Ah, but it doesn�t stop there. See, the bag thing says �pop on high for 5 minutes� and knowing I have a supersonic (ooh a lime or blue coconut slushie from sonic sounds good) microwave, I put it in for 3 minutes and then come in here to do something or another, I hear the microwave beep and I take my corn out and it is black!! My wonderful Orville Reddenbucker corn-on-the -cob popcorn was ruined. However, I had some off brand popcorn that was all stale tasting so I made due with that. I even melted brown sugar and butter on it to add to the fattening factor I lost with my burnt mess. That just made it soggy and sweet. Not bad, just not what I wanted. If anything I now know how to make some grainy liquid caramel. Mm

Oh yes, I think I am going to try to apply for a job at Weekends Only furniture . I need a weekend job and they are only open on weekends (imagine that!!).

So, with no true reason as to why I am feeling like a bitch I sit here confused at what the point of this entry was. I guess to kill time so I don�t kill myself from being crabby-tired-hungry-pissy-pmsing? Something like that.

I heard Eminem on the radio today. The song "superman" was playing. Freaked me out because I never imagined that song to be a single. I love it, I love that cd. I've had it playing in my car for two weeks. He's my anger management tool. heh.

****About four hours later****

I�m typing this on Microsoft works because diary land is being queer. Every time I try to add this entry it takes a year then it says �Cannot find Server.� GRR.

I�m starving, I still want fast food but I�m in my jammies. Of course, I am in them because I knew earlier I was going to be too lazy tonight to change my clothes and go out, so I put them on as a manipulative trick to my brain. Now I don�t feel like changing and it�s too cold to wear this outside, so I am stuck inside hungry but not spending any money. And who said I wasn�t a smarty? I think I might make chicken and rice for dinner. Or a can of soup. Soup sounds good. It�s no chicken and stars, but it is condensed. The best condensed: Campbell�s minestrone. I also have southwest vegetable and vegetable beef.

***About 30 minutes later***

I finally ate. Now I am full. I also attempted to watch The Sum of All Fears and failed miserably. I have a tiny tiny attention span and made it through the first eleven minutes before I turned the movie off and started flipping channels. I also watched half of To Wong foo� but then stopped when suddenly people decided they wanted to chat with me. So now, I�m anticipating 11:00 so I can watch it. ALL of it.

Diaryland should be back to normal now so I will attempt to post this entry.

Until I write again, Loves,
