Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003
8:37 am

I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

I look so cute today. NOt to sound concieted or anything. :) Plus, if I wake up in this mode of confidence my day is sure to be swell, right? RIGHT! Anyway, my hair decided not to be frumpy today! I want to take a picture to show it off, but my digicam is M.I.A. so no cute hair picture. It's doing what is supposed to do, though. Sans any brushing or product. I got out of the shower, towel dried it, shook my head a few times, blow dried it alternating upside down/right side up, and shook my head some more. Voila! Cute hair! Only bad thing of the day? My eyeliner has run off with my digicam. Eek! Oh well.

I'm off for a fun filled bank day! whoots! :D

More soon,



Ps: I'm being a Pischina copycat and begging everyone to sign my guestmap (link above, opens in new window). It isn't new like hers, I've had mine almost a year. And only the cool people have signed it so far. So the rest of you are all losers! Hear me LOSERS. So sign my map and you too will be cool, STEPHANIE STYLE! Weeeeee!!
Pps: My map is only of the US, so if you are a out of country folk, take a swim in whichever ocean you want to :) I'd much rather have my little dot thingy in the ocean that stupid Missouri