Saturday, Dec. 27, 2003
11:41 pm

Gifts, puppies, and halloween

Next year, for Halloween, I am going to dress up like an 80's teen-age girl. Complete with leg warmers and a side pony tail.

Either that or a Hobbit.

Speaking of Hobbits, my brother (James) bought me the complete Lord of the Rings set...INCLUDING The Hobbit. I started reading last night, I am already hooked. I can't wait to finish all four books.

I guess while I am talking about what I got for Christmas I will go ahead and rattle off a few more things. Derek got me diamond earrings, Jessica got me comfy towels, David got me Dreamcatchers and Identity on DVD as well as a Harry Potter pop-up book and some wild cherry cabana boy rum and fragrance rings for my lamps. My parents gave me $125 and the Friends trivia game, and a gold necklace with a charm. Other gifts from family members include 2 scarves, $50 dollars, a bath set, and a "S" initial purse. I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of things though.

Did I mention my puppy fund yet? If not I'll mention it again. David and I are starting a "fund" so we can adopt a puppy. My ultimate goal is to reach three hundred dollars in loose change and spare money by the end of March. Tentitiavely, I want a puppy by spring so we can take him on walks at the parks and stuff.

Anyway, that's all I have for tonight. Off to read more of "The Hobbit" oh how I love that Bilbo Baggins.

