Saturday, Jun. 15, 2002
9:59 pm

why is everything so confusing

I have lots of new quiz results posted. Go see me.

I have the Avril Lavigne cd. I already know all the songs by heart since I downloaded it last week anyway. It is so good. I'm in love with the whole cd. Its fucking awesome. Shes going to be a huge star. I mean, she already is among angry confused lovesick teen girls but shes going to make it big with everyone. Shes just so amazing. "Losing Grip" is really a great opener for the cd. I am honestly in love with it.

I feel so nauseated. I had a baked potato and chocolate pudding for dinner. Then out of nowhere I got nauseated and puked it all up. I also have this really sharp pain in the left of my ribcage. Oh thats all on top of these massive cramps I've had all week. I have also been really emotional lately. If I didnt know better... but Im just a girl. Girls have thier moments. Mines just been lasting 6 months.

I went and bought Jessica a shitload of food today so she would have stuff to eat this week. I got her different Chef Boyardee stuff and Spaghetti o's, and stuff for quesedillas, and chicken nuggets, hot dogs, mac and cheese, Rice Kristy treat cereal, those jello screamers (? is that what they are called?) and pudding and rootbeer, and roast beef, and mashed potatoes and some potatoes, and bread. Im going to make dinner some night. Maybe with her here, I will actually eat something other than nothing.

Well, I guess Im going to go now, Im too upset about my lack of life knowledge and living skills to further on.



*Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't some body come take me home....It's a damn cold night trying to figure out this life, wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new, I don't know who you are, but I'm with you"