Friday, Jan. 10, 2003
9:00 pm

Warning: Please Keep Stephanie away from flammables

Please, if you love me you will find a way to get me THIS cd. It is the DareDevil Soundtrack. I'm not too sure what Dare Devil is (Tv? Movie?) but the bands they have on here are awesome. Plus they have one of my current songs "Bring me to Life" by Evanescense on it. The woman singing has such a beautiful and powerful voice. Wait, I take that back. Daredevil is the movie where Ben Affleck plays the blind superhero! Right, sounds super corny but still might have to see it just for the tunage and the Benage.

So, something always has to go wrong whenever I go somewhere. Usually it's just I get lost or something. I'm the easiest person to get turned around and lost. Well, tonight Jaqui and I were going to go get some dinner then go see Maid In Manhattan. Key word is the were. I said "Hey Jaqui, go to Lemay BofA so I can get some cash" so we pull into the parking lot and I'm like "DAMMIT! I forgot my atm card" so Jaqui offered to loan me 20 until tomorrow. I said "Nah, just go back to my apartment so I can get my card out of my car" so we get to the parking lot and there are no parking spaces so she just pulls in behind my car and I get out. Well, in the time I walked around her car and stuck my head in my car, some dumb broad guns the gas and backs out and I hear a crunch. Ahh, metal on metal, a noise I know all too well. I turn around and Jaqui is going "shit shit shit." Wwll, this woman doesn't see any new damage so she doesn't want to call the police. But you always call the police when this happens, plus I got my flashlight from my apartment and Jaqui did have a pretty good sized ding in her car and alot of scratched paint. So we called the cops.

We sat in the parking lot for a good 30 minutes before he got there. Damn good thing he was a hottie. When I say hottie I mean "DAMN FINE" enough to totally make my jaw drop and have to clean a puddle of drool up. So we file the report and head on our way.

So yes, I am the queen of bad luck, thank you very much. We missed the movie but that's okay because we ate at P'sgettis and they have the best mostaccoli and garlic bread and salads. Yum, I have left over mostaccoli and salad, but I ate my half loaf of bread and I still want more.

Now I am going to go read some more of my Shopaholic takes Manhattan book. I guess if I can't see Maid in Manhattan this will have to be my New York fix, eh?

