Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003
7:49 pm

Why Do I even update anymore?!?!

My house smells absolutely divine. I'm making a pineapple upside down cake for everyone at work tomorrow. I'm literally trying to keep my saliva glands under control.

TOMORROW I will go to the gym again. I promise. I don't care if I am still sick or anything. The gym is where I will be. Nothing is stopping me. Not sinuses, not headaches, not nausea, not cramps, NOT EVEN THE ICY SNOW. Yes, In have not been since last Thursday. One week ago. I was out of town all weekend, then Tuesday I was too tired. Wednesday it snowed, and today I was throwing up all morning and afternoon. Tomorrow I will just take a barfbag if I feel icky.

I'm so lazy. My Christmas tree is STILL up. Yes, it is almost Feburary and my tree's still in the corner. 'Cause, you know, I'm cool like that. mmhm, that's right.

Okay, well, screw this, I can't think of anything worthwhile to talk about.
