Saturday, Feb. 01, 2003
11:54 am

i feel poopy

today i have to babysit the kid upstairs. I dont know what time he will be here or for how long. I just know Im getting 30 dollars for today and tomorrow. Which means I can afford gas and maybe something to eat. I'm really starving. Did i talk about that ahem "party" thing i had to go to last night? Well, free food? A fruit tray and those little pigs in a blanket things. Whoo,hoo. I mean, that filled me right up. She said "you dont have to eat dinner because I will have plenty to eat" so I go to this party thing with an empty stomach and see canteloupe and grapes and weenies. What the hell. Even I can't call that dinner. And I'm the girl who eats greenbeans and apple juice and calls that a well balanced meal. Anyway, I ate three grapes and two of the weenie things and started digging in my purse for cough drops to tide me over. So the last thing I've had in my stomach are three strawberry vitamin c drops last night around 9. I'm hungry. I hope the kid doesn't stay long so I can go get a 69cent hamburger and a coke from mcdonalds.

jesus, i'm rambling. I ramble when I have cold medicine in me and feel like i was run over by a mack truck. I look like it too. I just took a hot as hell bath and got so dizzy from the steam I thought I was going to pass out.

Please excuse this entry.

