Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003
7:46 pm


Somebody! Quick! Send me money A.S.A.P. It's an emergency, I swear! see, there is this thing I have to do. Well, I have to see. I promise, it will be worth it. Please. Send me money. I have to see Chicago! before I die. Or, you know, soon. And I just do not think I can wait until it is out on DVD to rent it. I have to see it on the big screen, complete with smelly people and sticky floors. So, fast, send me money. Email me for instructions. Do not delay. I take cash, checks, money orders, foreign currency, I take anything that I can negotiate at a bank as long as it doesn't come back on me. This is an emergency.

thank you for your patronage.

Now! Onto different things. The weather outside today? Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I know it will be cold again soon. But in hopes of it staying warm I took the plastic off of my windows in the living room. It was just too pretty to be unable to open my windows.

I attempted to do some laundry today. I put about three loads in the wash and came back to the laundry room to put them in the dryer and put some more clothes in. Well, I get to the laundry room and there are clothes EVERYWHERE. I mean on the floor-in the trash cans, just thrown all over the place. I started crying. All of my work clothes was covered in mud and lint. I had to rewash everything which meant I couldn't finish the rest of my laundry. I'm completely out of towels, but I will take my laundry to an actual laundromat from now on. I can't deal with these little kids busting into the laundry room and ruining peoples clothing. It's frustrating and upsetting. I do have some clean clothes to wear tomorrow though, so that's a plus.

I took a picture of my "perfect size 6 jeans" on me today. Showing how big they are now. I don't want to post the picture yet because I still look flabby. I'm going to force myself to go to the gym tomorrow. I have to get back in the habit. I got a vacation from it because I was sick and I'm feeling a bit better which means no more skipping.

I watched the Bourne Identity today with Brian. It was an interesting movie. I want to see it again just so I can understand it fully. Last night I also watched Barbershop which, let me tell you, was hilarious.

I guess I should stop writing now. I've almost run out of things to babble about. More soon!

