Saturday, Feb. 08, 2003
10:34 pm

A day in the life of a spaz

Day was long. Long and boring. Worked in the morning. Went to Grandmas for lunch. Went to the mall and to Costco. Then went back to grandmas for dinner (Salad and pasta). Then watched Sweet Home Alabama. Great movie. Then went to the grocery store and mommy bought me 95 dollars worth of nothing. Then I came home and put on my awesome pink panther socks ($1.99 at Big Lots!!) and now I'm about to go to bed.

My brothers think I am on drugs. I laid down and closed my eyes and drifted off into a nap and what felt like hours later I jumped up and said "Is it Saturday or sunday?!" and Derek was like "uhh...its still saturday" and I was like "How long have I been sleeping then" and he's like "about five minutes" and then I went back to sleep. I did the same thing this morning too. I jumped out of bed and said "OH SHIT IT'S SUNDAY! I SLEPT THROUGH SATURDAY AND FORGOT TO GO TO WORK!!!" and started spazzing. Then I realized that I'm just an idiot.

I think I need more sleep.



Ps: HA! This Man was in the "someone wants to meet you" email I got from Hot Or Not this evening. Doesn't he look like a bad photoshop job? I mean, come on, those Abs? Totally cut and pasted. Well, actually, the whole body looks fake. I only say this because of the background...and the blurriness...and the fact that...ew?