Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003
9:41 pm

it's a makeshift summer at casa de estefania

Have I mentioned lately how the hell much I love Elton John? I know he's a flaming fag, but i can overlook that. Just thought I'd remind everyone how big of a geek I am.

Anyway. What's new with me since this morning? Nothing. It's still snowing, but it's summer in my apartment. Yes, thats right. I've got my heater blowing right on me, I'm drinking ice cold pepsi, wearing summer attire. I was going to fake like summer and put a blanket down in the living room, wear my swim suit, and pretend I was tanning, but that was pushing it a bit far. Plus, even with the space heater blowing in addition to my central heating I have a draft in my living room and I was scared I'd freeze my nipples off. That's no good. So I opted for a loverly tank top and my wonderful old navy shorts. Ahh. It's almost March which means spring is approaching. CAN NOT WAIT.

I want water so bad. My tap water tastes like it's been run through a rusty pipe. I think i swallowed a shard of metal earlier. Mom told me I ought to boil it, but that's too much time. I just want a bottle of Evian. Is that too much to ask?! Damn you snow for making it impossible to get good water. I might have to melt you so I can drink real water. Metal free water.

That's about all for now,

