Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003
6:30 pm

Childish antics and sunny days

I clicked on a link from bytwilight's diary, and oh my God. It lead me to the stupidest diary in the universe. It's this diary called Haters and it's nothing but a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than be assholes towards other people. It's quite childish and the fact that they hate on Joanne really upsets me. Especially when they throw out harsh comments about her medical conditions. ugh.

In other news...The weather was completely beautiful, it got to 78 degrees today. I was stuck indoors all day, however, and did not get to enjoy it. I am so exausted. I went to the gym and worked out for about 30 minutes before I decided I was too tired to go on. I think I'm going to lie down and attempt to take a nap.

That's all for now

