Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003
10:37 pm

No Food, No School, And Lots of Work

I hate being so tired yet not being able to sleep. I hate feeling sick, but not actually being sick. I hate that instead of Will and Grace they play Cheers on Sunday nights. I hate being ignored.

Oh, I also hate that this is day two of funky watery eyes. They are bloodshot and I have no eyedrops. I also have no money to go buy eyedrops, so I will suffer.

I have to decide quickly whether or not I want to go to a 2 year or a 4 year school and how I am going to pull it off. Hope to goodness I get my SAR back soon. And hope that I am eligible for lots of money. More on that when I've weighed the pros and cons.

I don't feel like going to work tomorrow. If we weren't so short handed on mondays, I would call in. However it is just me and Janie and Azra on Mondays, which is awful because we all have to work all day long.

I am starving but shall not eat dinner. Besides, I had a huge lunch filled with probably three thousand calories AND I stopped by Steak-N-Shake when I passed through Cape Girardeau and grabbed a lime freeze to tide me over until lunch tomorrow.

hehe I love text messages. What did I ever do without them?

