Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003
5:38 pm

listy listy

1. My computer is possessed.

2. I want an ice cream sandwich.

3. I want to go to The Bread Company and eat baked potato soup and a casear salad.

4. Flip Flops are totally awesome.

5. Quoting Strong Bad (and homestar) cartoons automatically makes you a cool guy.

6. Carebears rock. 'Nuff said.

7. Eating is a good idea.

8. Toliet paper is cheaper than kleenex.

9. rainchecks are awesome. (Chamber of Secrets, 14.99 at target for the next thirty days)

10. 70 days until Order Of Phoenix is realeased.

11. ALWAYS right click and copy your entries before you hit done.

12. Totally Juicy body products are a little slice of cleanliness heaven.

13. I don't like loud kids.

14. Having big boobs is awful because I can't buy cute t-shirts without them fitting close to my boobs and then I get pissed becayse the rest of the shirt is baggy.

15. I am off to go to the bread company NOW.

16. Loves,

17. Stephanie