Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003
10:14 pm

i want to throw up

Wow, eight days. Heres the recap of how things have gone down...

A whole lot of nothing has happened. Last week I went to a baseball game. This week I got lots of money and spent about every penny of it in two hours. Granted I paid off my maxed out credit card and sent money to pay for my insurance, and bought a pair of K-Swiss tennis shoes, and 3 colorful clearance bras at target, and three cheap teeshirts from Value City and a shirt from Famous Barr, and two pairs of shorts (still size six!!) from Old Navy and laundry detergent. I hit bargains today.

Point I was making...? I've missed spending money dearly. And now I am broke again.

I leave for my vacation Friday morning. We're going to Arizona for a week, and then i get to fly on an airplane.

I'm almost done with OOTP. I've been saying that for a week now. But I've been putting off finishing it because I want it to last forever. I do have Shana starting to read the books now. She's already showing potential. I hope I have created a monster. Bwahahahaaaa. *cough*

I am totally craving Cap'n Crunch.

And my life is so boring. No more updates for at least 10 days.

