Wednesday, Aug. 06, 2003
11:46 am

How to drive Downtown, part one

Know what I hate? When you change your passwords and then keep using your old ones and get the logon screen again. It's irritating. I guess I need a better memory.

So it is 11something and I'm not at work. Believe me, this isn't becoming a ploy to sleep in. You know, me calling in. I just woke up in a awful mood and had the worst stomach cramps so I decided not to expose others to that terrible combination. We all already know I'm a bitch anyway. But when Im sick and crabby, fuuuuck, please leave me alone.

I took my test for personal banking yesterday. I failed. Oops. I'm not too upset over it. I mean, I wish I would have passed, but I went in with no confidence and zero concentration. Plus the questions were tricky. They gave you five answers, and each answer was the same but different. The same general idea with tiny little details differing. It was hard. But I'm going to go in next time and blow that fucking test out of the water. In nine months. *sigh*

Yesterday while going downtown, I realized the importance of looking both ways before pulling your car into a street. See, just because you don't see a car coming the direction you want to go doesn't mean it's safe to pull out. Yeah, sometimes that means you're about to pull onto a one-way street that is going the opposite direction of you and you are going to get fucking HONKED AT and FLIPPED OFF and CUSSED AT until you realize OH FUCK and start freaking out and pull onto another street which also happens to be one way (but vacant). Downtown driving pretty much blows.

On that note, It's noon and I'm going back to bed.

