Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
10:24 pm

Depressed? A tad

I've pretty much been shitty at updating this thing the last few months. I went from once-twice a day to maybe once ever two weeks. Of course I don't really have much to talk about these days. I'm still with David. I do love him very much. Things have been weird with me lately but I'm working on getting myself put together. I'm sure he thinks I am a spaz but we just need to sit together and talk and work a few things out. Which will happen as soon as I gather my thoughts.

But yeah, pretty much things are the same as they have always been. I work, I come home, I sit around, and I sleep.

I've gained about eight pounds, which puts me back in the 130's. It's pretty sad actually. I'm losing muscle and getting fat. Everyone tells me I look good, but not everyone sees me naked everyday. I think I contribute my weight gain to the slight depression I've been enduring. Or maybe it's the other way around. Who knows. All I can say is I'm fat and I'm sad and they go hand in hand with one another.

More in a few weeks (or promises though)

