Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003
7:20 pm

New hobbies

I'm going to start going to the gym again. I'm turning into a cow. Seriously folks, comfort weight sucks.

I am also going to start reading a new book...well, as often as I finish them. Just finished The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Am beginning Running in Heels by Anna Maxted. Any suggestions? Suggest away in the book.

Other than that, life is amazingly ordinary. I work and come home and spend time with my boyfriend. He started classes today which means two nights a week I need a hobby. See the first two paragraphs for my solution.

I played susie homemaker and cooked a decent dinner tonight. By decent, I mean not frozen taquitos and water. We had fried chicken, parmesean noodles, mashed potatoes and dr pepper. Mmm. I did a good job. And I will have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

I am also in the process of watching "Chicago" and love what I have seen so far.

If I wake up early enough I might go running in the morning. I highly doubt that a feasable task. I can hardly wake up with enough time to blowdry my hair in the morning. which is why my blowdryer has found temportary residency in the bathroom at work. Oops.



Ps: Images STILL don't work. too broke to renew gold membership. Any volunteers to help me out? Didn't think so. :-/ bummer

Pps: the new MSN is really awesome. Of course, I guess it isn't too new, since everyone I know already has it. nonetheless, whoo hoo!

ppps: I think I might start a word of the day thing. You know, where you use one new word a day. Will look into that.

pppps: I'm finished now, seriously.