Tuesday, Sept. 09, 2003
1:29 pm

Winter is coming...achoo!

So hows this for gross. I just sneezed three times, all three felt clean and dry, then I look down and have a massive hunk of bloody snot chunk on my desk and like twenty little brain babies on my arm. It was pretty sick.

I caught Stefanie's cold. Lucky me. Around 7 last night I started feeling really groggy, and by 10:30 I was full on whiny hurty so I went to bed. Woke up this morning and couldn't move. All the muscles in my body felt like I'd run a marathon and then topped it off with a full session of cardio workout. I wish I had. At least I wouldn't be spewing bloddy chunks of my brain out of my nostrils. And I'd be getting skinny.

Being sick sucks