Sunday, Jan. 25, 2004
10:09 pm

hey....Break a Rib

Oh the weather outside is frightful... my mom called me this morning at nineish to tell me to look out the window. We had a layer of ice on the ground, ick. I went back to sleep and was awaken around noon by Davids mom telling me about the ice/snow we had. I assumed we hadn't got much more but when I peeked outside there was a good inch of ICE on my airconditioner thingy outside my window. Now the weather people are telling us to expect another 2-5 inches late tonight. I'm terrified of this stuff. I'm going to have to be out of my apartment by 6:30am to be to work by 8:00. I know I will. God, St Louis drivers are the worst.

Dave woke up sick this morning (afternoon..) and was crabby because I wanted him to wake up and watch t.v with me. He did come lay on the couch and used me as his pillow for three hours while I watched the 4th season of Friends. And I made him some chicken noodle soup to try to warm him up and make him feel better. Then his friend Rick calls and asks him to go sledding and suddenly he's not sick anymore. Boys piss me off. When he said he was going I got all Pms'y pissed and pouty. I love how Ricky gets more of his attention than I do. I'm on strike. I told him I hope 1. He hits a tree and dies and 2. Catches pneumonia. He better not expect me to nurse him back to health. I'm not his mommy. That's for damn sure. I don't really hope he hits a tree and dies though. Just breaks a rib or an arm or something. Just kidding....ish.

Anyway, I'm missing Roseanne. Send WARM sunshine to me (and to amalthea) 'cause this cold hellish.