Sunday, Mar. 07, 2004
10:08 pm

Stealing Puppies

I've been trying to write about my big steal since Thursday. One of my coworkers sold me an X-Box with six games for $100. This is the best game system I've ever played. Seriously folks, it knocked Super Nintendo right out of number one. Anyway, I feel almost guilty getting it for such a cheap price, but that is what her son asked and that is what I was willing to pay. I win!

Dave and I might go tomorrow to the STL Animal shelter and look around. Saturday we bbqed and Dave was outside manning the grill when I guess this little puppy ran up to him and he fell in love. He comes inside with this huge grin on his face and says "Can we Keep it?!" it was the most beautiful pekingese puppy ever. I never thought I'd be able to talk him into wanting one of those but it was exactly the opposite! He wanted one first! So I win!! And-And-AAAAAAND I found one on and I have to have her. The shelter only charges $49 dollars for a puppy and we can afford the three hundred dollar pet fee ny apartment charges now, so I think we might do it. I'm excited. We need a puppy.

Today I went to the boat for the first time. Sort of. Since I'm not 21 I can't go into the actual casino part but I did get to visit Ameristar for the first time, and it was great! I can't wait to actually get to go inside. The lobby itself was so amazing I could have just stayed there for hours. I think for my 21st, that weekend we are going to get a hotel room downtown and visit the various casinos and then spend the evening barhopping. I'm going to turn 21 with a bang. I better, I need some life in my life. Everything else I do is so drab.

Hmm, that's all for tonight folks.
