Friday, May. 28, 2004
10:45 am

Boobie Bump

Happy 1,000th Entry
Eeep! Today is bound to be weird. I have a doctors appointment today to get this bump on my breast checked out. That's a little scary, thank bob my mom will be coming with me.

Last night was natural distaster night here in the Lou. Tornados galore. One went right through a high school graduation one of my coworkers was attending (as her baby was graduating) so I was panicked trying to call her all night. Luckily no one in her entourage was hurt (I figured with twelve people attending for this kid thier odds were more than the average familys). Our final meeting was also cut short yesterday because of the weather. Our regional executive broke in about 45 minutes in and excused us for a few minutes to call our families, and half the people never came back. So we did a "fast forward" and covered some important info and gave the audience prizes and went on our merry ways.

I had a dream last night that could only be blamed on everyone who won't stop talking about that damn movie "The Day after Tomorrow" or yesterday or next week or what ever. I dreamt that after our tornado we had a massive snow storm and I was stuck in my tiny one room apartment with no food, no water, and no contact with the outside world. So I downed a bottle of sleeping pills so the shit could melt, cause a river,and allow me to float to schnucks for something to eat.

Thats all folks, cross your fingers that I dont have cancer or have to have my boob cut off. I like my boobs and without them I am just a fat, flat chested girl.