Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005
10:47 pm

would you like some ice cream with that Whine

I suppose I will update here today. Things have been going well with work and all, so that's good. I really like the project I am on right now. I'm meeting tons of people. Next week I start my actual presentations so I am really excited and nervous at the same time.
Outside of work things are as usual. There's always something. Let's see. This week alone I've had a truck kick gravel up and break my windshield on my car.
I woke up this morning with another kidney infection and I'm pretty sure I'm trying to pass a stone, which is lovely. I'm in the worst pain I've ever felt. Last time at least the pain decreased as the day went on. I took tylenol w/codeine twice, I took my antibiotic, and about 30 minutes ago I took 2 tylenol pms and still no relief. I took a 4 hour nap today as well so now I'm not tired. Hence the Pm's. If I feel this bad tomorrow then after my conference call and my review I am going to the doctor again.
THEN! Today while I was downtown someone cut one of my tires on my car. I noticed it was flat about 5 miles down the road, which was right in the middle of the scary ghetto. I had to wait in my car for AAA to come fix it and he's the one who let me know I didn't hit or run over something but it was actually cut by someone. My parents are pissed as hell. They want me to make my work pay for it. I will turn it in to my manager but I know there is nothing she can do about it. It isn't their fault and it's written in my guidelines for the project that the bank is not responsible for any vehicular damage. But I will still tell her. What does it hurt. The thing that sucks is now I have to shell out my mileage money on a new tire. Which means after the antibiotics I had to buy, the gas I have to put in my car, and the tire I have to buy I'm poor yet again. But at least I can drive and might feel good soon.
Other than that life is grand! I went exploring yesterday while I was in Clayton and ended up in U-City where I finally found The Loop, I've lived here 4+years and never been there. And guess what?! There is a Ben & Jerry's there! BEN & JERRY'S!!! I'm so friggin excited I could scream. Next time my sister comes up we're going to take a trip out there.
If anyone is thinking about reading the book "Thin Pink Line" DON'T. It was a waste of my time.