Monday, May. 19, 2003
9:30 pm

Guest Entry- Starring the Stinky Boy


"dready boy"justins (bella made me put that) guide to taking over the world.

step one= get mentioned in gabby diary lots of times

step two= get mud wrestler girl to post this in her OR his (im still not quite sure about that) diary

step three=ummmm.....take over the world.


im so gonna rule the world. i want meatloaf. bella says i can have left overs for sandwiches tomorrow. nidia says no. this makes me angry. i want play doh. i like the cresent moon. gabby wants me to call a boy who gave her a card in subway. i will call him names...such as.....*insert names i will call him here*

i will rule you!


i need to put butter on my shopping list.OHHH better yet, i will take some from bella

Ps. i also need toilet paper.