Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002
1:27 pm

Orange Juice, breakfast of champions

Last night I felt like bing superbitch. I don't know why. I did this awful review. I admit, I came off as quite an ass. But there is truth in my review. I could have been nicer. But you know what, I didn't feel like it. You can read the review Here.. Again, Im not sorry for feeling like I did, but I do apologize for they way I came off. Even though It was a true reflection of how bitchy I get some nights.

Im still listening to my Avril Lavigne cd. Im about to pop some Eminem in though. I realized I am the ultimate tard. I just don't think. I never think to put cd's in the computer and I always play them on my stereo in the living room. Duh? I can hear them alot better in here. :) And I don't have to get up to change the song either!!

Today is Fathers Day. I called my dad and my grandpa. Grandpa wasn't home so I left him a message on the machine. I did talk to my dad though.

Jessica will be here on Tuesday. I don't see much updating happening while she is here. She'll prolly make me be in bed by 10:30 every night. And I will too, because Im always tired, I just never want to go to bed.

Well, I guess that is all for now. Im going to go eat my lunch. Baked Potato. Im a freak, yes I know, but baked potatoes are all Ive been wanting to eat. Today Im putting a twist on it though. I'm eating shredded cheese in addition to my regular butter and sour cream routine. mm,mm.

More later


this is HAHAHA Too funny, guys are so stupid!