Sunday, Jun. 16, 2002
4:21 pm

You cant see what I see

This Article is very short but oh the humour. I almost fell off my chair laughing. haha, Please Don't Boo! haha, I hope she cried. I hope she got hit with bottles and cans. I hope the concert of hers here does the same thing. She has to put on a show since she is obviously talentless. Oh, If you chose not to read the story, Im talking about the poweroutage that ended Britney Spears' concert after two songs. Kind of like her musical career. She had to progress onto strip teases after people realized she sucked.

I put my imood indicator back up. I realized it came off like, 6 layouts ago, and I haven't put it back on. I also took even more quizzes today, thanks to Krissy who puts at least 3 a day on her diary. I Love Quizzes. And I also put a cast list on here. I don't remember if I mentioned that earlier. I don't have many people I mention in this diary becuase I am so self-absorbed.

I do, however, love to mention my great friend Matt. Im going to talk about him soon, just not right now because then he'll get a big head that I adore him enough to write about him. So, stay tuned for a matt-filled update. Where I will probably discuss his cute butt, his adorable accent that he tries to hide, and the fact that he makes me crazier than any guy in the world has ever. And by crazy I mean every context of crazy..the good, the bad, and the literal-type crazyness.

Anyway, Im really loving some rock music today. I don't know why. But I highly recommend the song "Downfall" by TRUSTcompany. I'm going to download some more of thier music and I'll talk more about them later. I sense a new obsession coming on.

