Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003
10:07 pm

Go away wet snow

Tomorrow is Friday. Then comes Saturday. Then next is sunday. Ahh, blissful Sunday. The one day this week I get to sleep in. THEN Is monday tuesday wednesday thursday PAYDAY (some call it Friday, the other mushy freaks out there will call it valentines day) THEN comes my three day weekend. The weekend in which I am doing NOTHING I'm not even going to go home that weekend like I do for most three day weekends. Nope! I'm going to hope that Chicago is playing at a theater and try to go see it. Even if I have to drive to...somewhere far away.

It's almost Will and Grace time. I didn't watch the episode that came on after Friends tonight. I forgot. :( So I am making myself stay up to watch this episode.

I got another W-2 inthe mail the other day. I only made less than 350 dollars on it, yet it dropped my federal refund by almost $100 and cut my state refund in half. I demand a recount! Federal Government when you get my taxes I DEMAND A RECOUNT DAMMIT.

