Monday, Mar. 03, 2003
8:17 pm

Missing Jeans, go to burger burger king for reward!

I got home today from work and wanted to put my perfect old navy jeans on. They were no where to be found. So I was looking around for any pair of jeans. Not a pair anywhere. At least not a pair that fits me. Then it hit me. Yesterday at the laundry place my jeans didn't finish drying with the rest of the clothes so I stuck them back in a dryer for 20 minutes while I folded clothes. BUT I never took the jeans back out. I burst into tears. I thought for sure someone stole all of my jeans and I was going to have to wear icky staticy work pants until I could afford to buy more. I grabbed a load of laundry (bed stuff) so I wouldn't look like a loser at the laundry place, and I head back out there. Thank BOB my jeans were there. Nice and folded and sitting ontop of a washer waiting for me. I spent the next two hours waiting for my comforter to dry and laughing to Friends, Raymond and 7th Heaven.

After I leave the laundry place I have this immense craving for Burger King. So I make my way over there and I get a salad and baked potato (yeah yeah...none of that flame broiled goodness for me tonight) and I pull to the window and hand her $10.10 and she hands me my bag and my change in which I stuff the change into my left pants pocket and toss the bag in the passenger seat and speed home to eat. The wad of money in my pants was driving me insane so I just took it out of my pockets and poof! I have 3...8...18 DOLLARS! I guess she grabbed my ten by mistake and added it in with my change. Too bad sucka! You were rude to me, you didn't even tell me to have a good evening or enjoy my crap or anything. So Look! I just got two hours of your pay AND food! Whooo hoo! I do feel bad, but now I can afford to buy gas tomorrow. One girls shit is another girls gas.

My feet smell. I might make a "Stinky Feet" diary ring (if there isn't already one!). I know Paula will join. Who else is with me!

Other than that my day's been rather dull. I'm off to go lie in my fresh smelling bed and read some Harry Potter.

