Sunday, Mar. 09, 2003
12:06 pm

Rewarmed rubber and the laws of music suppliying

I am starving. I woke up and attempted to finish my chicken sandwich from last night, hoping if I warmed it in the microwave it'd taste somewhat edible. Nope. Rubbery and icky.

I get pissed when I try to download a song from Kazaa and it says in the description field "Album Version, No Beeps" so I'm like "Awesome! A good version of the song, FINALLY!" and I download it, and I cannot wait to listen to it, so I play it while it is downloading and IT HAS WHIRRY NOISES. I guess they didn't LIE because it was "whiiirrrwhirrrrwhomp" instead of a beep, but to me, that is still considered a beep. Anyway, I wouldn't have to deal with this if every music store in South county st louis wasn't sold out of the cd I want. See, you know these artists and record labels get all pissed at us for not BUYING the cd, instead DOWNLOADING it on Kazaa, but you know, if the stores would order enough to supply everyone who wants to actually purchase the cd, then maybe there would be less downloading. F'n dumbasses.

Anyway, I might be going to Chesterfield today. I'm not sure yet. If I don't Im going to load all of my laundry up and then go to the gym, then go to the laundry place. Then I might go to Oberweis and get some ice cream. AND I WISH THE WEATHER WOULD GET WARM AGAIN. *pouts*

