Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003
9:05 pm

Patriotism?? Riiight

So today? It was decent. I worked, I worked late, and I am being compensated for my extra two hours by getting to come in 2 hours late tomorrow, rather than documenting overtime and getting paid 13 dollars an hour. Whatever. When did overtime become so freaking taboo for a corporation that is worth billions? It doesn't make sense to me. Another thing that doesn't make sense is that we didn't get a Christmas bonus...or a ham or even seasons greetings from our CEO. Blah.Off subject.

My banking center office looks like the American flag got sick and puked all over the place. It is adorn with flag paraphanialia every which way. And it isn't even GOOD flag stuff. It's the cheap shit from the dollar store. The reds are more of a fuscia, the blues are sort of green, and white? What white? That's yellow. None the less, it's my managers stab at being patriotic. I understand supporting our country while we are in war, but God, the extreme display is uncalled for. It's just like what we did for 9/11 and 9/11/02 I just don't think that a war or an act of terrorism should be what it takes to care for your country.

That's about all I have the patience to say. I'm going to call it a night, early.

