Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003
11:17 am

I need a ride

I feel like a little baby. It's raining outside and I am supposed to be at my grandma's for lunch in like, half an hour. Well, I'm not driving my car in this wet weather. The brakes freaked me out too much yesterday, and I am scared they will go out entirely in the rain. I have to take my car into the shop at 7:00am tomorrow, so I'm hoping that it doesn't ice until after that. I also hope I can ask whoever I close with to take me back up to the car place afterwork to pick it up.

Anyway, the reason I feel like a baby is I just had toc all my mom (the family is in saint louis visiting) and ask her to come pick me up. I hate feeling so helpless. Gah!

More later, whoo!
