Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003
8:29 pm

Whoot wh....blah

This article on American Idol about sums it up. I think the last paragraph was pulled right out of my mind. Wait...The whole article seems to go along with everything I think. BUt I still love A.I so friggin much.

Today was rather uneventful. I went to work, arrived ten minutes late due to awful traffic that led to an unexpected detour taken out of horrendous road rage exhibited by yours truly. Janie brought me breakfast, a mcgriddle sandwich from mcdonalds. Went to baskin robbins for lunch. Had a mocha blast. Spent most of the afternoon cleaning up around the banking center, since we will have a new manager starting soon and I didn't want her to come into such a mess. Hunted down my pair of capri pants I loaned my cousin and we discussed looking at apartments this weekend. Exciting! Then I went and watched tv at the laundromat.

Life around mi casa is very exciting, can't you tell.(Whoot whoot)

Must start cleaning apartment from top to botttom, asap. This weekend is going to be a busy one as I have a wedding shower to attend Sunday as well.

More soon!

