Friday, Apr. 11, 2003
8:06 pm


Things that irritate me:
The word 'bucks' in reference to dollars
Ackward- it is akward. There is no 'c'
honking horns
slow drivers
slow drivers honking thier horns
I before E except after C
Shorts that ride up
Pants that creep down
Sheets that won't stay tucked under the corners of the bed
Waiting seventy+ days for a book to be released
The bang of balls hitting my living room
Prank Phone calls
Downloaded music missing the bass
Watery eyes
People that talk on cellphones instead of listening to thier bank teller ask them questions concerning thier transaction and then bitch that I gave them thier cash back wrong
People that can't fill out a deposit slip correctly. The 'less cash' line is the amount of cash back not the amount of your deposit. It's a big math problem. First it is addition cash + checks=subtotal - (less) cash received=TOTAL DEPOSIT (in the big assed boxes at the bottom) gah!
People on thier cellphones that don't fill out thier de...Er...okay enough of this.

Chamber of Secrets (to all of you HP illiterate folks it is better known as Harry Potter Two) was released today. I want it. I can't afford it though.

I love the new Marilyn Manson song mobscene

My jacket and stereo came in today. The jacket is alot bigger and the stereo is alot smaller than I anticipated. However the stereo rocks and the jacket will be perfect for next winter, it looks so warm.

More eventually,