Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003
9:29 pm

Hockey, Spam, free money is misleading

First and foremost, what the hell is with the hockey game starting at 9:30 when FRIENDS is supposed to be on. This is crap.

Secondly, what is with all of these spammers sending email messages using real names and real subject lines?! I feel obligated to open them because what if it is a real email? Hmm? Then I'd feel like mega-bitch for not replying.

Somehow I scratched the bejezus out of the top of my right hand. It was burning a bit but not bothering me to much but when I looked down and it was bleeding on my keyboard. Interesting. Wonder how that happened.

Amy told us our incentive payout amounts today. Our incentive money will be on our May 15th check. My banking center was eligible for 150% of funding, which basically means that the regional office sets an amount we can have to split amongst all the employees at a banking center, let's say 1000 to make it easy, we will actully get 1500 to split. Now each employee is eligible for a certain percentage of the bracket. So we have 150% funding, Im techincally eligble for one of these amounts $0-$375-$600 I am eligible for 100% of funding, which one would THINK would be the $600 but I'm not sure where they get their numbers because I am getting less than 300. Everyone is getting way less than they deserve. (it is completely a huge no-no but we discuss our payouts amongst one another anyway). One of our tellers who is going through the certification program got even less than she got before she was working on certification. It makes absolutely no sense. But, It is free money and we shouldn't be greedy, even if we were promised the maximum amounts because we kick ass and we are getting barely our minimum. /end confusion

And oh. My. God. Hockey is awful. Goodness.

I had company over until around 2:30 last night and I had to be up to get ready for work at 6:00, so I am running on barely any sleep. Please excuse this entry full of errors and babbling.

Off to bed- loves,


PS: Also, my stock went up another $1.44, which means it is at $74.24. I am aiming for $80, and for it to stay in the vicinty if 79-80 dollars for fifteen days. If it does that I get to cash in 200 shares of my stock and get $15 dollars a share. Thats three thousand dollars, after taxes that will be over fifteen hundred. Or around that amount. I need that money. Alright? So NO ONE CLOSE YOUR BANK OF AMERICA ACCOUNTS. OPEN MORE ACCOUNTS! MAKE HUGE DEPOSITS!!! I NEED MONEY! ahem /end_merciless_begging

PSS: The last thing I wanted to say was I. LOVE RANDY JACKSON! He and Simon together were cruel and heartless to Carmen and I LOVE THEM! They told that blonde tizzy how it was. She shall be ELIMINATED! BWAHAHAHAAAA