Friday, May. 02, 2003
5:46 pm


I've decided I hate people. Last night some ass decided to visit my diary and bug me on AIM and then added all sorts of crap to my guestbook. People make me mad. I didn't ask you to come and read my diary and I didn't ask for your comments. I don't care if what I have to say is insignificant to you. I don't know you and you don't know me. I don't use this journal to pour my heart out to anyone. I use this journal to talk. It keeps some people a little up to date in the little things going on. Yet it still bothers me that some ass like you comes to it and decides because he (or she for all I know) Is somehow better than I am and has to make omments. It is irritating and people never cease to amaze me with thier sheer stupidity. Please don't come back and comment on my diary and please do not message me ever again on AIM, and please go get a life. Thank you

And fuck, I still think popcorn is the best snack int he world.