Thursday, May. 08, 2003
10:55 pm

I'm a little crazy

I went tanning today. I'm red like a lobster, and I itch. I'm going tomorrow, again, in a level 2 bed, for 20 minutes. I'm going to burn myself until I fry so I get dark super fast. I like that about me, I burn once and then after a day or so it wears off and I turn dark.

I went and got dinner at Wendy's after I tanned. A spring mix salad. Well, I didn't get to eat it (or even look at it for that matter) for about three hours after that, and when I opened it, it was so slimy and gross. So dinner was ruined. I tried to pick around it and eat what was good, but it all tasted like rotten spinach. Ugk.

I went out with David and two of his friends tonight. It was interesting. I had a pretty good time. I can't play pool, I am terrible, and I can't see the pinball machine so I'm not too good at that either. But I like it anyway. I'm used to the idea that I suck at about everything I do. But that's okay!

I really like the name Logan. I've decided if I ever have a boy I want one of his names to be Logan. I also like the name Cale. Maybe I'll name him Logan Cale. Cale Logan? Who knows. I'm just throwing ideas out into the air. And for a girl I like Courtlyn Aundrea AND Aja Renee. Gah, YEARS from having any sort of babies. Unless someone wants to give me a puppy.

Fly away on my zephyr... What exactly is a zephyr? Anyone know? Feel free to fill me in...

More soon,

