Saturday, May. 31, 2003
12:28 am


I've not been able to eat for three days. Everytime I try to stomach food it makes me nauseous. The past two nights I have laid down to sleep and no sooner than I close my eyes am I bowing over the toilet wretching my brains out. It's quite disgusting, actually. So far tonight, so good. I had a strawberry cheesecake blizzard from DQ and I feel okay. I am really thirsty though. Want to go get a huge cup of crushed ice and chew it all.

My mom sent me a crapload of scanned pictures the other day. Baby pictures. Of me and my brothers and my sister. I keep looking at them and crying. I am a big overemotional blubberhead. I look at the pictures and I can't belive I was once that tiny. I can't belive that those tiny little boys are now seniors in high school. I can't believe that my toothless little sister is now a beautiful sixteen year old. I can't believe that I'm almost 20. That in mere years I will be ready to have my own tiny little baby and go through this emotional trip with my own babies and cry even more tears when I realize these things.

Oh yes, I finally did get to talk to David tonight. I'm glad. I really missed him. I needed someone to make me laugh. And he did just that. And now I can't sleep because I feel better. It's weird. I can't explain it.

I watched Y tu Mama Tambien tonight. goood movie. I love subtitled movies. I want to own this one. I still want to own Amelie as well. I have Red Dragon to watch and I am terrified to watch it alone. Better yet, alone and in the dark. Eep! I have to watch it tomorrow though. It is due back Sunday.

I have more to babble about. And I always say I will finish later but I never do. So..

More Soon,

