Sunday, Jun. 01, 2003
6:11 pm

PLEASE Open Up Window!!!

Firstly, it has offically been dubbed "Random Guestbook Signing Week" I think I got a headstart on things a week or so ago. Sometimes I don't read things clearly. Anyway, I've tried signing random books but SMGb is being stupid.

I took my siblings to Six Flags today so they could get thier season passes processed. It was interesting. Today was St Louis Pride Day, so everywhere we looked there were same sex couples. Ordinarily I am perfectly comfortable around gay people but I felt like we were treading on thier territory today. That made me a little uneasy. There were some interesting people there, though. My favorite by far was the menagie a tois man group. All three of them were holding hands and just skipping around like they were the only people in the world with thier pressed khaki shorts and last years pride fest tee shirts.

I've been trying all weekend to win pointfest tickets. I'm about ready to give up. I want to go more than anything in the world, but I am so broke. Payday was rough this time around leaving me hardly any money to make it through the week. I had to borrow money from my mom so I could buy some groceries to tide me over until I can afford food again.

I cannot get my bedroom window open. It is sealed completely shut. It has me pissed off. It is hot as hell in here and I have no way to cool it down. My air conditioner is fucking stupid and it doesn't blow right in here.

I am sick of sitting here. I might go clean some. But I want to go out. I don't want to be here. I want to see David. It's been almost a week since I have seen him. I should have just went over there Friday night instead of blowing him off for sleep. Because I haven't even talked to him since then either. Blaaah.

I used to really like the new Marilyn Manson song, well, the 'newest'..mOBSCENE but now that I have heard it a thousand and six times I have decided it's actually pretty sucky. And this new Eve 6 song isn't too good either.

I think I am just in a bitchy mood right now.

